Concrete coating and cement additive

Concrete coating and cement additive
Product Number
CAS Number
Product Details

Concrete coating and cement additive.
SiO2: 20-24wt%,
Particle Size : 10 nm,
Carrier : Water
Weight Ratio: 8.2 Molar Ratio: 4.1
pH: 10-11, Specific Gravity: 1.2
Li2O: 2-3wt%
Viscosity: < 50 cP
Appearance:  Clear Liquid
Dispersion of lithium silicate in water.  The primary application is as a concrete surface treatment and additive.  In concrete, the use of lithium silicate can mitigate ASR problems. In coatings, it is usually used as part of the binder system or as a flame retardant. Also effective in refractory applications as it has a higher melting point and may change the refractory properties of the system. A stable high ratio, low viscosity solution. Once dried this material is relatively insoluble compared to potassium and sodium silicates

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